By housing ALL students in a certain grade in the same building we will have the opportunity for greater teacher collaboration, to maximize student equity, and a greater overall Arrow culture as students will grow as Arrows together throughout their entire educational career. This will also improve curricula alignment for grade-level teams both horizontally and vertically. After the redistricting both Reagan and Edison will qualify for resources provided by Title 1 federally funded programs. This will also maximize the services of Therapists, Counselors, Specialists, Dyslexia Specialists, and Literacy Coaches.
Advantages of Primary Reconfiguration
1. Cultivating Arrows from the beginning of their school experience.
2. Key collaboration for staff.
3. Aligning Grade Levels
4. Equity for students.
5. Ease of access to service for all students.
6. Allows for staffing balances, aligning this with enrollment levels.